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Fish Machine Cabinets

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Fish Machine Cabinets suitable for Ocean King, King of Treasures, Seafood Paradise, Tiger Strike, Mystic Dragon, Arcooda games and many other fish software.

Fish Machine Cabinets - Location: Hong Kong
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Flying Horse Gameboard Kit

Flying Horse Gameboard Kit

Flying Horse Game Board Kit is a lottery type game, based on the bird ecology theme, uses a high definition screen design. Flying Horse has a special bonus boss which is a flying horse, when defeated a meteor shower will be triggered to attack the birds on scene, essentially raining points for the player. supports up to 10 players simultaneously allowing for high popularity in your gaming center. This game features 18 different type of birds and 13 different kinds of special power items or rewards within a clear, detailed village scene.

  • Ships From : Hong Kong
  • Availability : In Stock
  • Condition : New

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Insect King Kong Gameboard Kit

Insect King Kong Gameboard Kit

Insect King Kong is a similar style to Fish Shooting games, however is based in the jungle where players are required to shoot insects and a variety of land-based monsters. Players control the gun to shot at insects such as scorpions, spiders and centipedes in order to accumulate points. It also features the special insects such as the Lucky Worm and the Insect King - players can catch them for bonus rewards! The hunter game uses a high-definition screen design, support 4/6/8/10 while online games, can be setup with Game Difficulty from 0 to 20, 16 different types of insect, 11 kinds of powerful special items and 2 kinds of special worms, with a detailed jungle scene, provide players with unique visual enjoyment.

  • Ships From : Hong Kong
  • Availability : In Stock
  • Condition : New

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Insect Kingdom Gameboard Kit

Insect Kingdom Gameboard Kit

The Insect Kingdom Gameboard is a twist on the popular fish style hunting game, where instead players use guns to shoot butterflies, spiders, centipedes and other insects to gain points. The game also features special items that float in the field, when hit release special powers. Additionally, this game allows players the opportunity to hit rare insects in order to earn higher points or bonus rewards, these insects include the royal hornet, the special worm and the lucky insect.

  • Ships From : Hong Kong
  • Availability : In Stock
  • Condition : New

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Shark Dance Gameboard Kit

Shark Dance Gameboard Kit

Shark Dance is a fish hunter style arcade game, where players must use the gun to shoot at various types of fish including monsters like the Ferocious Shark, Fairy Viking Ship, Witch, Lucky Fish and many more. Players can also kill the Fish King or the Lucky fish for bonus points. There is also a variety of new Special Items to defeat the different fish such as Poseidon's Trident and Chain Lightning. The game features a high-definition screen design, support 4/6/8/10 players. 22 different types of fish, 10 kinds of powerful special weapons/items, and a detailed undersea scene.

  • Ships From : Hong Kong
  • Availability : In Stock
  • Condition : New

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Space War USA Gameboard Kit

Space War USA Gameboard Kit

Space War USA is a fish hunter style arcade, however instead of shooting fish players must aim their weapons at various types aircraft or space ships. These include Scorpion King, Double Head Dragon and many more. Not only does this game have a unique landscape, but also features a high-definition screen design, support 4/6/8 players. There are 16 different types of aircraft, 6 kinds of powerful special items and detailed outer space scene.

  • Ships From : Hong Kong
  • Availability : In Stock
  • Condition : New

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