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Radikal Darts at Australasian Gaming Expo 2009

Radikal Darts at Australasian Gaming Expo 2009
Radikal Darts at Australasian Gaming Expo 2009
Highway Entertainment is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting the latest high tech electronic dart board - Radikal Darts - at the Australasian Gaming Expo, which takes place 16th-18th August at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. The machine will be shown in conjunction with Galaxy World Imports on booth 104, and we welcome those attending the show to drop by.

Developed by Gaelco S.A, Radikal Darts opens up new game opportunities to players and operators alike. Thanks to its two strategically located built in cameras, laser (which measures the exact throwing distance), sensors and detailed software - Radikal Darts allows players to play against real players from around the world in real time, with players able to see their opponent, their throws, and results.

Operators can also set up local tournaments on an individual machine, with the Radikal Darts software managing all information for you. Radikal Darts allows tournaments to be played without the presence of a referee, due to the remote refereeing system (RRS) that prevents players from cheating. When connected to the internet, the RRS uploads game data and video to a dedicated server and analyzes and validates the information.

For more information on the machine Click Here or contact one of our sales staff. For more information about the Australasian Gaming Expo visit the official website Here

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