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Introducing PlayPortal Cashless Card System!

Introducing PlayPortal Cashless Card System!
Introducing PlayPortal Cashless Card System!
PlayPortal Cashless Card System is an innovative payment system that eliminates the need to deal with coins, tokens or its equivalent in an arcade environment. PlayPortal is a 'tap and play' debit and credit card that allows players to put credit on their player card and use to play on ANY arcade machine - from pinballs, to shooters, to video redemption gaming machines. With full auditing and setup features, owners can customise the PlayPortal Cashless System to suit any venue.

The PlayPortal system has been specially developed for the amusement and gaming industry and is similar to the existing Octopus in Hong Kong and Oyster in London. With the help of PlayPortal, there won't be any hassles of dealing with cash, improves management and operator efficiency, removes lines of people checking balances, and will assist in reducing overall operation costs.

For arcade centre operators, the owner can setup price of play on each machine, none of which need to be wired to a mainframe computer. Machines can be in different room (or different floors, stores, etc..) and the customer can use his player card. Owners have full auditing functions available to them when operating this system.

For gaming operators, PlayPortal removes the need for coins and notes in your machines. Customers can transfer credits from their player card onto the machine by waving / tapping onto the reader. To transfer credits from the gaming machine back onto the card, players press the collect button then wave / tap their card on the reader.

For more information send us an email at or give us a call on +61 249 689 313.


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