Sequel to Namco's shooting game with the innovative foot pedal that allowed the player to take cover and avoid gunfire. The main new feature of the sequel is the cooperative two player mode.
In the game the 2 players might be standing at either end of an alley. So each player can actually see the other player on the screen, ducking for cover or shooting bad guys. The player must be careful if he can see his teammate because he may accidentally shoot him by mistake.
During boss fights if playing the 2 player cooperative mode tactics are a lot more important. A teammate can draw the bosses fire while the other player shoots the boss in the back.
Sequel to Namco's shooting game with the innovative foot pedal that allowed the player to take cover and avoid gunfire. The main new feature of the sequel is the cooperative two player mode.
In the game the 2 players might be standing at either end of an alley. So each player can actually see the other player on the screen, ducking for cover or shooting bad guys. The player must be careful if he can see his teammate because he may accidentally shoot him by mistake.
During boss fights if playing the 2 player cooperative mode tactics are a lot more important. A teammate can draw the bosses fire while the other player shoots the boss in the back.
Condition :
Shipping Weight :
946.770 kg
Physical Weight :
270.000 kg
Voltage :
220 - 240 Volts
Location :
Korea (South)
Shipping Terms :
Ex Works
Warranty :
7 days testing warranty
Product Type :
Shooting Games
Version Type :
English Version
Time Crisis 2 Twin SD Arcade Machine - Reference Images